Hilde Domin flower to Japan
I'm Svenja,
The Hilde Domin and Betty MacDonald fans, friends and people from Japan are always in our hearts.
Remain strong, please. We know you are!
Thank you so much, dear Wolfgang Hampel for suggesting Letizia Mancino as a Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honor member.
Wolfgang Hampel, Betty MacDonald Memorial Award winner and author of Betty MacDonald biography, admires Letizia Mancino's artwork and books.
Letizia Mancino was a very good friend of Hilde Domin.
Letizia Mancino, President of Goethe Society, created a Hilde Domin and Betty MacDonald Gallery with her magical artwork.
Letizia Mancino's artwork is beloved around the world, but especially in Japan and other countries in Asia.
We got many mails from our friends who told us that Letizia Mancino's artwork is like a candle in the dark and sunshine in the hearts. It's so very important, especially in these days.
Thank you so much, dear Letizia Mancino in the name of so many Hilde Domin and Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fans.
Letizia Mancino is sending a great message to our Hilde Domin and Betty MacDonald Fan Club fans in Japan. You can read Letizia's text in german, english and italian language.
Liebe Hilde Domin und Betty MacDonald Freunde in Japan,
in diesen Stunden richtet sich meine Sorge auf das schwere Schicksal, dass Ihr alle und Eure Familien und Freunde im Land durchmachen müssen.
Mit Staunen bewundere ich Eure Geduld und Würde in dieser unermesslich schwierigen Situation. Das Licht wird die Finsternis vertreiben und das Leid wird sich in Liebe verwandeln. Ich glaube, dass Eure Opfer der ganzen Welt helfen wird: Aus dem Boden der Schmerzen wird eine leuchtende Lotos-Blume der Versöhnung für Menschen und Natur entstehen.
Auch meine Gemälde, die in so leuchtenden Farben erscheinen, sind aus der Überwindung dunkler Erfahrungen entstanden: Mögen sie mit ihrer Harmonie den Augen, die so viel Verwüstungen sehen müssen, Trost und Hoffnung schenken.
Dear Friends of Hilde Domin and Betty MacDonald in Japan,
In these hours my concern is the heavy fate which you, your families and friends are suffering.
I greatly admire your patience and dignity in this situation of utmost difficulty. I am sure: The light will drive back the darkness, and suffering will be converted to love. I believe that your sacrifice will help the whole world. The soil of suffering will generate a lotus-flower of reconciliation for Man and Nature.
Also my paintigs which appear in such splendid colors, have their origin in the overcoming of dark experiences. I wish that these images with their harmony will give you consolation and hope.
Cari amici di Hilde Domin e Betty MacDonald in Giappone,
In queste ore le mie preoccupazioni e timori sono diretti al grave destino, che voi tutti dovete sopportare nella vostra terra insieme a parenti e amici.
Con meraviglia osservo la pazienza e dignità che voi mostrate in questa difficilissima situazione. Io credo, che il vostro sacrificio sarà di aiuto all`intera umanità.Dal terreno del dolore crescerà un fiore di loto della comprensione tra uomini e natura. Anche i miei quadri, così brillanti nei colori, sono nati dal superamento di oscure esperienze.
Spero che essi possano ,con la loro armonia, dare speranza e consolazione, ai vostri occhi, che ora vedono tanta distruzione.
Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society
Wolfgang Hampel Society
Wolfgang Hampel, winner of first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, author, journalist, artist, poet
Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club
Wolfgang Hampel, interviewer of Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.
Letizia Mancino's website
Letizia Mancino, beloved artist and writer, Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Member
Letizia Mancino's Homage a Betty MacDonald
Hilde Domin Fan Club
Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter, Betty MacDonald's friend, described as Kimi in The Plague and I, honour member of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society
Monica Sone Society
Monica Sone Fan Club
Gwen Grant's website
Gwen Grant, beloved writer and Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Member
Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.
Ma and Pa Kettle Society
Betty MacDonald Fan Club
Alison Bard Burnett, Betty MacDonald's and Mary Bard's brilliant sister, beloved all over the world. Her very funny and witty interviews with Wolfgang Hampel about her famous sisters Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard are real treasures.
Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club
Linde Lund created the Betty MacDonald, Monica Sone and Wolfgang Hampel Blogs
Betty MacDonald Interviews on CD and DVD
Betty MacDonald Community
You can find more info about our Betty MacDonald projects and events in the future.
Wolfgang Hampel, author of the Betty MacDonald Biography and winner of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award founded Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Society in 1983. We are the largest Betty MacDonald Fan Club in the world - with members in 30 countries. Join our wonderful international Betty MacDonald Community!
We have tons of fun!
Betty MacDonald - Fan Club of Betty MacDonald and Society of Betty MacDonald
Betty MacDonald Fan Club
Betty MacDonald Forum
Betty MacDonald Society
Mary Bard Jensen Society
Alison Bard Burnett Fan Club and Society
Nancy and Plum Fan Club
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Fan Club
Darsie Beck Artist and writer of Your Essential Nature - A Practical Guide to Greater Creativity and Spiritual Harmony - nephew of authors Betty MacDonald and Mary Bard - Honour Member of Betty MacDonald Society and Fan Club
Wolfgang Hampel Founder of Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society
Wolfgang Hampel Society
Wolfgang Hampel, winner of first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award, author, journalist, artist, poet
Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club
Wolfgang Hampel, interviewer of Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.
Wolfgang Hampel Fan Club
Wolfgang Hampel interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers. Wolfgang Hampel is also famous for his satirical poems and stories.
Labels: Hilde Domin flower to Japan